A Message From Mark...

Christian and I have traveled the world together and as my life’s work is blood sugar, his life’s work is stem cells. He has cracked the code on how to activate your body’s repair system and is the stem cell guru for our #1 most watched nutrition show, Food Freedom on Brinx TV.

STEMREGEN® has an essential supplement that increases the # of stem cells in circulation, which plays a vital role in the body's repair and healing processes. This can help you stay active and healthy as you age.

Stemregen aligns perfectly with our mission and health pro coalition and we’re excited to offer you the opportunity to join their affiliate program.

Check out all the details below and see how simple the process is - let’s keep changing the health of the world!"

For our Affiliate Program, we seek high-achieving, health-conscious individuals and communities who:

  • Demonstrate a genuine passion for health, wellness, and the significant role stem cells play in our bodies.
  • Have a strong presence on social media or a well-established platform.
  • Are committed to promoting a lifestyle that aligns with our mission of educating the world about The Repair & Recovery System of the body and the benefits of tapping into your own stem cells.
  • Engage actively with their audience and foster a community around wellness.
  • Show creativity and authenticity in their content creation, highlighting the benefits of our products in a relatable manner.
  • Possess a track record of influencing positive change or promoting healthy living.

Ready to make a difference in the world of your friends, family, audience, or community, while earning commissions?

If you're passionate about helping others live longer, stronger lives and have a knack for engaging your audience, we want you! Apply to our Affiliate Program today and start your journey with us. Let's empower and inspire together.

As an affiliate, you will enjoy:

  • A competitive 20% commission on sales generated through your referral.
  • A 90-day tracking cookie to ensure you receive credit for delayed purchases.
  • Exclusive access to promotional materials and resources.
  • Dedicated support from our affiliate team.
  • Opportunities for featured promotions and collaborations.
  • Analytics to monitor your success and optimize strategies.
  • Inclusion in a community passionate about health and wellness.

To enhance your chances of being selected for our Affiliate Program, consider:

  • Engaging with our products through purchase and personal use.
  • Sharing your genuine experiences with our products through reviews on our website.
  • Creating and sharing content about our products on your social media platforms.
  • Emailing us at partners@stemregen.co with links to your social profiles and a brief explanation of why you're passionate about becoming an affiliate with us.

Guidelines for Discussing Stemregen: What Affiliates Need to Know

Christian Drapeau, the founder and developer of STEMREGEN, explains the regulatory framework governing dietary supplements, emphasizing the importance of adhering to the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA).

He outlines that health claims about diseases cannot be made for dietary supplements, highlighting that only structure and function claims are permissible.

Christian also stresses the need for claims to be truthful, balanced, and supported by scientific evidence. He assures that all claims about Stemregen comply with DSHEA, offering examples of allowable claims and advising on how to share personal experiences without violating regulations.